
About The Author


Harry Mains

In 2023 I will be 80 years old.  My spiritual journey started around 1948 when I was about 4 or 5 years old.  It won’t help to ask why I was chosen to walk the path that I am on, because only God knows that answer.  The road has always been rough for me.  I started out with nothing and I don’t expect to finish with anything.  The life that I lived and the tough times that I have experienced have taught me to see the earth and people in a way that many people miss. Being alone in my hard and poor life, my life has taught me to help others, to see and listen to other people’s struggles and problems, and taught me to seek God.

There are no happy days if you seek the things of this world.  I came into this world with nothing and I will leave only with the love of people that I have helped to see the truth. Seek the truth and you will find it.